Kedatangan Imam Mahdi
Ada disebutkan dalam Atsar, kata-kata sahabat yang menerangkan tanda-tanda sudah dekatnya kemunculan Imam Mahdi. Menurut riwayat apabila sudah dekat kedatangan Imam Mahdi akan banyak terjadi peperangan, banyak bencana dan banyak bala.
Pada masa itu nanti semakin banyak terjadi pembunuhan dan peperangan. Orang mahu berbunuh-bunuhan kerana masalah remeh-temeh. Antara satu kumpulan de-ngan kumpulan lain, begitu juga antara satu negara dengan negara lain berperang kerana masalah kecil. Bencana semakin banyak berlaku, seperti gempa bumi, letusan gunung berapi, angin puting beliung, banjir dan sebagainya. Begitu juga penyakit, semakin banyak jenis penyakit dan semakin ramai manusia yang berpenyakit.
Menjelang datangnya Imam Mahdi nanti akan muncul api yang besar dari arah Masyriq (tempat terbitnya matahari) dan menerangi seluruh ufuk selama tiga malam. Pada masa itu juga nanti lengkaplah jumlah orang-orang yang mengaku dirinya sebagai nabi berjumlah enam puluh orang. Masa itu akan tenggelam kampung-kampung di negeri Syam. Akan datang angin yang hitam yang me-nyebabkan manusia ramai yang mati. Sungai Furat di Iraq akan melimpah (banjir) yang menyebabkan kota Kufah tenggelam. Akan terdengar suara seruan dari langit. Suara itu dapat didengar oleh semua manusia yang ada di dunia. Dan yang paling menghairankan lagi, suara itu dapat difahami oleh semua orang.
Orang yang hanya tahu atau faham bahasa Inggeris faham mendengar seruan dari langit itu, begitu juga pengguna bahasa Cina, bahasa India, bahasa Melayu, bahasa Arab dan sebagainya. Mungkin juga panggilan itu dalam bahasa Arab tetapi semua orang mendengar dalam bahasanya sendiri.
Terdengar suara pada tengah malam bulan Ramadan yang menyebabkan semua orang yang tidur terbangun atau terperanjat. Banyak pembunuhan dan banyak peperangan berlaku sehingga darah mengalir di jalan-jalan raya. Orang semkain berani berbuat jahat tidak kira tempat dan waktu.
Pada masa itu nanti yang diangkat menjadi pemimpin pun terdiri dari orang-orang jahat. Pemimpinnya jahat dan orang yang dipimpin pun sama-sama jahat. Dalam hadis dikatakan ramai manusia pada masa itu nanti yang beriman pada waktu petang tetapi esok paginya sudah menjadi kafir. Namun demikian ramai ulama yang mengertikan hadis itu dengan kafir nikmat.
Bukan bererti petang dia masih Islam esok harinya sudah Nasrani atau Yahudi misalnya. Maksud hadis itu menurut ulama menunjukkan banyaknya orang yang kafir nikmat. Apa-apa nikmat dan pemberian Allah tidak disyukuri dan tidak digunakan kepada yang diredai Allah SWT.
Menjelang turunnya Imam Mahdi dikatakan pasukan tentera dari Turki akan datang ke jazirah Arab. Mereka datang untuk menakluki tanah-tanah jazirah Arab. Mereka bunuh pemimpin-pemimpinnya dan mereka kuasai daerahnya.
Dalam keadaan dunia yang buruk dan kacau itu tiba-tiba muncullah Imam Mahdi. Beliau datang untuk meneruskan atau menyambung perjuangan datuknya (Muhammad s.a.w) untuk mengatasi kekalutan dan kekacauan yang dihadapi umat. Semua makhluk yang ada di langit dan yang ada di bumi merasa gembira dengan kedatangan Imam Mahdi itu. Bukan hanya manusia yang gembira, tetapi juga binatang buas, burung-burung dan makhluk lainnya.
Imam Mahdi itu adalah seorang lelaki yang soleh dari keluarga Rasulullah s.a.w yang ada ketika itu (pada masa munculnya) nanti. Dia diangkat orang menjadi pemimpin ketika manusia di seluruh dunia nanti sudah begitu buruk keadaannya.
Mereka mengangkat Imam Mahdi menjadi pemimpin ketika itu nanti setelah melihatnya berilmu, berakhlak dan mempunyai banyak kelebihan. Manusia yang ada pada zaman itu nanti mengharap semoga dia dapat mengembalikan dunia kepada kebaikan. Dengan perasaan yang cukup berat, dia (Imam Mahdi) menerimanya. Dia sendiri tidak tahu yang dirinyalah Imam Mahdi yang ditakdirkan Allah SWT untuk diutus ke dunia. Begitu juga manusia sedunia yang telah mengangkatnya menjadi pemimpin dunia, tidak tahu bahawa orang yang mereka angkat itu adalah Imam Mahdi.
Kerana tidak tahu yang dirinya Imam Mahdi dan tidak berapa suka menjadi pemimpin, sudah tentu dia pun tidak ada berkempen mengajak orang untuk mengangkatnya. Setelah dia memimpin dunia dengan baik barulah orang tahu bahawa itu adalah Imam Mahdi. Dia tunjukkan perilaku yang baik, dia ajak manusia mengerjakan yang makruf dan meninggalkan yang mungkar, kemudian orang pun mengikuti arahannya.
Mengapa manusia yang sudah begitu lama bergelimang dengan dosa mahu diajak kepada kebaikan? Ini tentunya samalah dengan zaman jahiliah dahulu, yang mana keadaan masyarakat sudah begitu buruk, tiba-tiba datang seorang utusan Allah untuk membaiki keadaan dunia, orang pun terus mengikutnya.
Manusia mahu diajak kepada kebaikan tentunya setelah melihat orang yang mengajak itu mempunyai banyak kelebihan, dan yang paling penting orang yang mengajak itu berjuang dengan ikhlas dan sesuai kata-kata dengan perbuatannya. Jadi nanti manusia seluruh dunia mengikut ajarannya kemudian dia pun mengatur dunia dengan baik.
Keadilan dapat ditegakkan seperti zaman Rasulullah s.a.w. dahulu. Kerana keadaan masyarakat sudah baik dan sudah beriman, malapetaka dan musibah berkurangan. Bahkan rahmat Allah pula yang datang dan rezeki melimpah ruah. Setelah dunia aman dan makmur serta melihat pemimpinnya tidak terpedaya oleh kesenangan dunia, tahulah mereka bahawa yang memimpin mereka itu adalah Imam Mahdi.
Kedatangan Dajjal
Ada riwayat Muslim yang diterima dari Fatimah binti Qais mengatakan: “Saya telah mendengar muazzin Rasulullah s.a.w memanggil untuk solat. Saya pun pergi ke masjid dan solat bersama Rasulullah s.a.w. Selesai solat, Rasulullah s.a.w naik ke atas mimbar. Nampak semacam bergurau Baginda tertawa dan berkata: “Jangan ada yang bergerak. Hendaklah semua duduk di atas sajadahnya.” Kemudian berkata: “Tahukah kamu mengapa aku memerintahkan kamu jangan ada yang pulang?” Kami menjawab: “Allah dan Rasul-Nya yang lebih tahu.”
Rasulullah s.a.w berkata lagi: “Demi Allah aku me-nyuruh kamu berkumpul di sini bukan ingin menakut-nakuti dan bukan memberi khabar gembira. Aku ingin menceritakan kepada kamu bahawa Tamim Al-Dariy adalah seorang Nasrani, kemudian dia datang menjumpai aku dan masuk Islam. Dia ada bercerita kepadaku tentang satu kisah tentang Dajjal. Kisah yang dia ceritakan itu sesuai dengan apa yang telah aku ceritakan kepada kamu sebelumnya.
Katanya dia bersama 30 orang kawannya pergi ke laut dengan menaiki kapal. Angin kencang datang bertiup dan ombak besar membawa mereka ke tengah-tengah samudera yang luas. Mereka tidak dapat menghalakan kapalnya ke pantai sehingga terpaksa berada di atas laut selama satu bulan. Akhirnya mereka terdampar di sebuah pulau menjelang terbenamnya matahari. Di pulau yang tidak ditempati orang itu mereka berjumpa dengan binatang yang sangat tebal bulunya sehingga tidak nampak mana jantina dan duburnya.
Mereka bertanya kepada binatang itu: “Makhluk apa engkau ini?” Binatang itu menjawab: “Saya adalah Al-Jassasah.” Mereka tanya: “Apa itu Al-Jassasah?” Binatang itu hanya menjawab: “Wahai kumpulan lelaki, pergilah kamu ke tempat ini untuk menjumpai lelaki macam ini, sesungguhnya dia pun ingin berjumpa dengan kamu. Mereka pun pergi ke tempat yang ditunjukkan oleh binatang itu.
Di sana mereka menjumpai seorang lelaki yang sangat besar dan tegap. Ertinya mereka tidak pernah melihat orang sebesar itu. Dari tangannya sampai ke tengkuknya dikuatkan dengan besi, begitu juga dari lututnya sampai ke telapak kakinya. Mereka bertanya: “Siapakah anda?” Orang seperti raksaksa itu menjawab: “Kamu telah mendengar cerita tentang aku. Sekarang aku pula ingin bertanya: “Siapa kamu ini?”
Mereka menjawab: “Kami adalah manusia berbangsa Arab. Kami pergi ke laut menaiki kapal, tiba-tiba datang ombak besar membawa kami ke tengah-tengah samudera luas dan kami berada di lautan selama satu bulan. Akhirnya kami terdampar di pulau yang tuan tempati ini.
“Pada mulanya kami berjumpa dengan binatang yang sangat tebal bulunya sehingga kami tidak dapat mengenali jantinanya. Kami tanya siapa dia katanya Al-Jassasah. Kami tanya apa maksudnya dia hanya menjawab: “Wahai kumpulan lelaki, pergilah kamu ke tempat ini untuk menjumpai lelaki macam ini, sesungguhnya dia pun ingin berjumpa dengan kamu.”
Itulah sebabnya kami datang ke tempat ini. Sekarang kami sudah berjumpa dengan tuan dan kami ingin tahu siapa tuan sebenarnya.” Makhluk yang sangat besar itu belum menjawab soalan mereka terus sahaja mengemukakan soalan: “Ceritakan kamu kepadaku keadaan kebun kurma yang di Bisan itu,” nama tempat di negeri Syam. Mereka menjawab: “Keadaan apanya yang tuan maksudkan?” Orang besar itu menjawab: “Maksudku apakah pokok kurma itu berbuah?” Setelah mereka menjawab bahawa pokok kurma itu berbuah, orang besar tadi berkata: “Aku takut pokok itu tidak berbuah.”
Orang besar itu bertanya lagi: “Ceritakan kepadaku tentang sungai Tabarah.” Mereka menjawab: “Tentang apanya yang tuan maksudkan?” Lelaki itu menjawab: “Maksudku airnya apakah masih ada.” Mereka menjawab: “Airnya tidak susut.” Lelaki itu berkata: “Air sungai itu disangsikan akan kering.”
Akhirnya lelaki seperti raksaksa itu berkata: “Kalau begitu ceritakan kepadaku tentang Nabi Al-Amin itu, apa yang dia buat?” Mereka menjawab: “Dia telah berhijrah dari Makkah ke Madinah.” Lelaki itu bertanya lagi: “Apakah dia diperangi oleh orang-orang Arab?” Mereka menjawab: “Ya, dia diperangi oleh orang-orang Arab.” Lelaki itu bertanya lagi: “Kalau begitu apa pula tindakan dia terhadap mereka?” Mereka ceritakan bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w telah mengembangkan dakwahnya dan sudah ramai pengikutnya.
Orang besar itu berkata lagi: “Memang begitulah, padahal mereka beruntung jika taat kepadanya.” Kata orang besar itu lagi: “Sekarang aku terangkan kepada kamu bahawa aku adalah Al-Masih Dajjal. Nanti aku akan diberi izin keluar, lalu aku pun akan menjelajah dunia ini. Dalam masa empat puluh malam sudah dapat aku jalani semua, kecuali Makkah dan Madinah yang aku tidak dapat memasukinya. Negeri Makkah dan Madinah dikawal oleh para Malaikat, maka aku tidak dapat menembusinya.”
Kata Tamim Al-Dariy lagi, “Rasulullah s.a.w menekankan tongkatnya di atas mimbar sambil berkata: “Inilah negeri yang tidak dapat dimasukinya itu, iaitu Madinah. Saudara-saudara sekalian apakah sudah aku sampaikan cerita ini kepada kamu?” Mereka menjawab: “Ya, sudah ya Rasulullah.” Rasulullah s.a.w berkata lagi: “Sememangnya hadis Tamim itu lebih meyakinkan saya lagi. Ceritanya itu bersesuaian dengan apa yang telah aku sampaikan kepada kamu sebelumnya, iaitu tentang Makkah dan Madinah yang dikatakan tidak dapat dimasuki Dajjal. Cuma dia ada mengatakan di lautan Syam atau di laut Yaman. Tidak, bahkan ia dari arah timur. Ia dari arah timur,” kata Rasulullah s.a.w sambil menunjuk ke arah timur.
Rasulullah s.a.w telah menguatkan lagi bahawa Dajjal akan datang dari arah timur. Ada yang mengatakan bahawa Dajjal akan datang dari Khurasan atau Asfihan.
Khutbah Rasulullah SAW tentang Dajjal
Dari Abi Umamah Al-Bahiliy, beliau berkata: “Rasululah s.a.w telah berkhutbah di hadapan kami. Dalam khutbahnya itu Baginda banyak menyentuh masalah Dajjal. Baginda telah bersabda: “Sesungguhnya tidak ada fitnah (kerosakan) di muka bumi yang paling hebat selain daripada fitnah yang dibawa oleh Dajjal. Setiap Nabi yang diutus oleh Allah SWT ada mengingatkan kaumnya tentang Dajjal. Aku adalah nabi yang terakhir sedangkan kamu adalah umat yang terakhir. Dajjal itu tidak mustahil datang pada generasi (angkatan) kamu. Seandainya dia datang sedangkan aku masih ada di tengah-tengah kamu, maka aku adalah sebagai pembela bagi setiap mukmin. Kalau dia datang sesudah kematianku, maka setiap orang menjaga dirinya. Dan sebenarnya Allah SWT akan menjaga orang-orang mukmin.
“Dajjal itu akan datang nanti dari satu tempat antara Syam dan Irak. Dan mempengaruhi manusia dengan begitu cepat sekali. Wahai hamba Allah, wahai manusia, tetaplah kamu. Di sini akan saya terangkan kepada kamu ciri-ciri Dajjal, yang belum diterangkan oleh nabi-nabi sebelumku kepada umatnya.
“Pada mulanya nanti Dajjal itu mengaku dirinya sebagai nabi. Ingatlah, tidak ada lagi nabi sesudah aku. Setelah itu nanti dia mengaku sebagai Tuhan. Ingatlah bahawa Tuhan yang benar tidak mungkin kamu lihat sebelum kamu mati. Dajjal itu cacat matanya sedangkan Allah SWT tidak cacat, bahkan tidak sama dengan baharu. Dan juga di antara dua mata Dajjal itu tertulis KAFIR, yang dapat dibaca oleh setiap mukmin yang pandai membaca atau buta huruf.
“Di antara fitnah Dajjal itu juga dia membawa syurga dan neraka. Nerakanya itu sebenarnya syurganya sedangkan syurganya itu neraka, yakni panas. Sesiapa di antara kamu yang disiksanya dengan nerakanya, hendaklah dia meminta pertolongan kepada Allah dan hendaklah dia membaca pangkal surah Al-Kahfi, maka nerakanya itu akan sejuk sebagaimana api yang membakar Nabi Ibrahim itu menjadi sejuk.
“Di antara tipu dayanya itu juga dia berkata kepada orang Arab: “Seandainya aku sanggup menghidupkan ayah atau ibumu yang sudah lama meninggal dunia itu, apakah engkau mengaku aku sebagai Tuhanmu?” Orang Arab itu akan berkata: “Tentu.” Maka syaitan pun datang menyamar seperti ayah atau ibunya. Rupanya sama, sifat-sifatnya sama dan suaranya pun sama. Ibu bapanya berkata kepadanya: “Wahai anakku, ikutilah dia, sesungguhnya dialah Tuhanmu.”
“Di antara tipu dayanya juga dia tipu seseorang, yakni dia bunuh dan dia belah dua. Setelah itu dia katakan kepada orang ramai: “Lihatlah apa yang akan kulakukan terhadap hambaku ini, sekarang akan kuhidupkan dia semula. Dengan izin Allah orang mati tadi hidup semula. Kemudian Laknatullah Alaih itu bertanya: “Siapa Tuhanmu?” Orang yang dia bunuh itu, yang kebetulan orang beriman, menjawab: “Tuhanku adalah Allah, sedangkan engkau adalah musuh Allah.”
Orang itu bererti lulus dalam ujian Allah dan dia termasuk orang yang paling tinggi darjatnya di syurga.”
Kata Rasulullah s.a.w lagi: “Di antara tipu dayanya juga dia suruh langit supaya menurunkan hujan tiba-tiba hujan pun turun. Dia suruh bumi supaya mengeluarkan tumbuh-tumbuhannya tiba-tiba tumbuh. Dan termasuk ujian yang paling berat bagi manusia, Dajjal itu datang ke perkampungan orang-orang baik dan mereka tidak me-ngakunya sebagai Tuhan, maka disebabkan yang demikian itu tanam-tanaman dan ternakan mereka tidak menjadi.
“Dajjal itu datang ke tempat orang-orang yang percaya kepadanya dan penduduk kampung itu mengakunya sebagai Tuhan. Disebabkan yang demikian hujan turun di tempat mereka dan tanam-tanaman mereka pun menjadi.
“Tidak ada kampung atau daerah di dunia ini yang tidak didatangi Dajjal kecuali Makkah dan Madinah. Kedua-dua kota itu tidak dapat ditembusi oleh Dajjal kerana dikawal oleh Malaikat. Dia hanya berani menginjak pinggiran Makkah dan Madinah. Namun demikian ketika Dajjal datang ke pergunungan di luar kota Madinah, kota Madinah bergoncang seperti gempa bumi. Ketika itu orang-orang munafik kepanasan seperti cacing dan tidak tahan lagi tinggal di Madinah. Mereka keluar dan pergi bergabung dengan orang-orang yang sudah menjadi pengikut Dajjal. Inilah yang dikatakan hari pembersihan kota Madinah.
Dalam hadis yang lain, “di antara fitnah atau tipu daya yang dibawanya itu, Dajjal itu lalu di satu tempat kemudian mereka mendustakannya (tidak beriman kepadanya), maka disebabkan yang demikian itu tanam-tanaman mereka tidak menjadi dan hujan pun tidak turun di daerah mereka. Kemudian dia lalu di satu tempat mengajak mereka supaya beriman kepadanya. Mereka pun beriman kepadanya. Maka disebabkan yang demikian itu Dajjal menyuruh langit supaya menurunkan hujannya dan menyuruh bumi supaya menumbuhkan tumbuh-tumbuhannya. Maka mereka mudah mendapatkan air dan tanam-tanaman mereka subur.”
Dari Anas bin Malik, katanya Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: “Menjelang turunnya Dajjal ada tahun-tahun tipu daya, iaitu tahun orang-orang pendusta dipercayai orang dan orang jujur tidak dipercayai. Orang yang tidak amanah dipercayai dan orang amanah tidak dipercayai.”
Dari Jabir bin Abdullah, katanya Rasulullah s.a.w ada bersabda: “Bumi yang paling baik adalah Madinah. Pada waktu datangnya Dajjal nanti ia dikawal oleh malaikat. Dajjal tidak sanggup memasuki Madinah. Pada waktu datangnya Dajjal (di luar Madinah), kota Madinah bergegar tiga kali. Orang-orang munafik yang ada di Madinah (lelaki atau perempuan) bagaikan cacing kepanasan kemudian mereka keluar meninggalkan Madinah. Kaum wanita adalah yang paling banyak lari ketika itu.
Itulah yang dikatakan hari pembersihan. Madinah membersihkan kotorannya seperti tukang besi membersihkan karat-karat besi.”
Diriwayatkan oleh Ahmad, hadis yang diterima dari Aisyah r.a. mengatakan: “Pernah satu hari Rasulullah s.a.w masuk ke rumahku ketika aku sedang menangis. Melihat saya menangis beliau bertanya: “Mengapa menangis?” Saya menjawab: “Ya Rasulullah, engkau telah menceritakan Dajjal, maka saya takut mendengarnya.”
Rasulullah s.a.w berkata: “Seandainya Dajjal datang pada waktu aku masih hidup, maka aku akan menjaga kamu dari gangguannya. Kalau dia datang setelah kematianku, maka Tuhan kamu tidak buta dan cacat.”
Dari Jabir bin Abdullah, katanya Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: “Dajjal muncul pada waktu orang tidak berpegang kepada agama dan jahil tentang agama. Pada zaman Dajjal ada empat puluh hari, yang mana satu hari terasa bagaikan setahun, ada satu hari yang terasa bagaikan sebulan, ada satu hari yang terasa satu minggu, kemudian hari-hari berikutnya seperti hari biasa.”
Ada yang bertanya: “Ya Rasulullah, tentang hari yang terasa satu tahun itu, apakah boleh kami solat lima waktu juga?” Rasulullah s.a.w menjawab: “Ukurlah berapa jarak solat yang lima waktu itu.”
Menurut riwayat Dajjal itu nanti akan berkata: “Akulah Tuhan sekalian alam, dan matahari ini berjalan dengan izinku. Apakah kamu bermaksud menahannya?” Katanya sambil ditahannya matahari itu, sehingga satu hari lamanya menjadi satu minggu atau satu bulan.
Setelah dia tunjukkan kehebatannya menahan matahari itu, dia berkata kepada manusia: “Sekarang apakah kamu ingin supaya matahari itu berjalan?” Mereka semua menjawab: “Ya, kami ingin.” Maka dia tunjukkan lagi kehebatannya dengan menjadikan satu hari begitu cepat berjalan.
Menurut riwayat Muslim, Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: “Akan keluarlah Dajjal kepada umatku dan dia akan hidup di tengah-tengah mereka selama empat puluh. Saya sendiri pun tidak pasti apakah empat puluh hari, empat puluh bulan atau empat puluh tahun. Kemudian Allah SWT mengutus Isa bin Maryam yang rupanya seolah-olah Urwah bin Mas’ud dan kemudian membunuh Dajjal itu.”
Dan menurut ceritanya setelah munculnya Dajjal hampir semua penduduk dunia menjadi kafir, yakni beriman kepada Dajjal. Menurut ceritanya orang yang tetap dalam iman hanya tinggal 12,000 lelaki dan 7,000 kaum wanita. Wallahu A'lam.
Kedatangan Nabi Isa
Diriwayatkan oleh Muslim dari Al-Nawas bin Sam’an bahawa Rasulullah bersabda tentang Nabi Isa: “Beliau akan turun berdekatan dengan menara putih di timur Damsyik, dengan memakai pakaian kuning. Dua telapak tangannya terletak di atas sayap dua malaikat. Apabila dia menundukkan kepalanya menitislah air. Apabila dia mengangkat kepalanya lagi, turunlah daripadanya seperti untaian mutiara.”
Berdasarkan hadis ini bererti Nabi Isa akan turun di Syam, bahkan juga di Damsyik, iaitu di sisi menara sebelah timur. Beliau akan turun pada waktu fajar. Ibnu Katsir ada berkata: “Sesungguhnya tidak ada di Damsyik menara yang dikenal di sebelah timurnya kecuali yang berada disamping masjid jamik Amawi, iaitu di sebelah timur Damsyik.”
Menara tersebut telah diperbaiki pada zaman Ibnu Katsir, iaitu pada tahun 741 hijrah. Pembiayaannya diambil dari harta orang-orang Nasrani yang sebelumnya telah membakar menara masjid tersebut. Besar kemungkinan nanti Nabi Isa akan turun di tempat itu.
Diriwayatkan oleh Imam Ahmad, dari Abu Hurairah, bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: “Para nabi semuanya bersaudara disebabkan ayah mereka satu dan hanya ibu mereka yang berlainan. Sedangkan agama mereka adalah satu. Dan akulah orang yang paling dekat dengan Isa bin Maryam kerana tidak ada Nabi di antara kami. Sesungguhnya dia akan turun. Apabila dia turun nanti, untuk me-ngenalinya orangnya sedang dan kulitnya putih kemerah-merahan. Dia memakai pakaian yang kuning. Dari kepalanya seperti menitis air walaupun rambut dan kepalanya tidak basah. Dia akan mengajak orang kepada Islam. Pada zamannya juga nanti dia akan menghancurkan segala agama kecuali Islam. Allah SWT akan membinasakan Dajal pada zamannya, bahkan di tangannya. Pada zamannya nanti dunia akan aman sehingga harimau dan unta berkawan dengan baik. Begitu juga harimau dengan lembu, serigala dengan kambing. Kanak-kanak akan bermain dengan ular dan ular itu tidak menggigit mereka. Keadaan seperti itu berjalan selama empat puluh tahun. Kemudian Nabi Isa a.s. wafat dan disembahyangkan oleh kaum muslimin.”
Muhammad s.a.w adalah nabi penutup dan tidak akan ada lagi nabi sesudahnya. Turunnya Nabi Isa pada akhir zaman akan menguatkan lagi kebenaran agama Islam. Islam bererti menyerahkan segala urusan bagi Allah yang Maha Esa dan tidak ada sekutu bagi-Nya, beriman dengan semua Rasul, berserah kepada Allah dan taat dengan sebenar-benar taat. Itu semua sebenarnya sudah dianjurkan oleh agama-agama langit semenjak zaman Nabi Ibrahim, selaku bapa nabi-nabi, sampai kepada Muhammad s.a.w selaku nabi terakhir.
Isa a.s. adalah nabi dan rasul yang mulia, datang dari sisi Allah. Beliau dahulu sudah ada membawa syariat kepada umatnya tiba-tiba beliau diangkat ke langit. Nanti di akhir zaman beliau akan turun lagi dengan izin Allah tetapi bukan membawa agama atau syariat baru. Beliau datang nanti untuk menguatkan agama Islam,
Ummu Syuraik bertanya kepaad Rasulullah s.a.w tentang hari Dajal: “Ya Rasulullah, ke mana orang-orang Arab ketika itu?” Rasulullah s.a.w menjawab: “Jumlah mereka pada waktu itu terlalu sedikit. Mereka lari ke Baitul Maqdis menjumpai Imam mereka, seorang lelaki soleh (Imam Mahdi menurut riwayat itu).
“Ketika Imam mereka sudah berdiri di depan untuk mengimami solat Subuh, tiba-tiba datang Nabi Isa. Imam mereka itu mundur untuk memberi peluang kepada Nabi Isa untuk mengimami solat Subuh itu tetapi Isa a.s sambil memegang bahu Imam itu berkata: “Teruskanlah, sesungguhnya iqamat dibacakan untuk engkau.” Maka sembahyanglah mereka semua di belakang Imam tadi.
“Selesai solat, Isa a.s berkata kepada semua jemaah: “Bukakan pintu itu.” Mereka membuka pintu masjid itu, tiba-tiba Dajal sudah berdiri di situ dan di belakangnya ada 70,000 Yahudi lengkap membawa senjata.
“Melihat Nabi Isa ada di dalam masjid itu, Dajal tiba-tiba saja layu atau cair seperti cairnya garam disirami air. Dajal itu lari terbirit-birit kerana ketakutan. Nabi Isa bersama kaum Muslimin terus saja mengejarnya kemudian menjumpainya di Babu Luddi. Dan di sanalah Nabi Isa membunuh Dajal itu.
“Orang-orang Yahudi pun akan dikalahkan dan dibinasakan Allah pada waktu itu. Mereka cuba lari dan bersembunyi tetapi semua benda tempat mereka bersembunyi akan pandai bercakap atau bercerita dengan izin Allah. Benda-benda dimaksud termasuklah dinding, batu, pokok kayu dan sebagainya. Kalau ada orang Yahudi yang bersembunyi di balik belakang mereka, benda-benda itu akan memberitahukannya. Termasuk juga satu pokok berduri (disebut pokok Yahudi), jika mereka bersembunyi di bawahnya, pokok itu akan berkata: “Wahai hamba Allah yang beriman, di sini ada orang Yahudi, bunuhlah dia.”
Kata Rasulullah s.a.w lagi: “Dajal akan berada di dunia selama empat puluh tahun. Satu tahun lamanya seperti setengah tahun, terkadang seperti satu bulan. Satu bulan seperti satu minggu. Dan pada hari yang terakhir terasa sekejap sahaja. Pagi-pagi kamu berada di pintu masuk kota Madinah (Madinah pada zaman Rasul), sampai kamu di pintu yang lain hari pun masuk waktu malam.”
Mendengar yang demikian ada yang bertanya: “Bagaimana kami mengerjakan solat dalam waktu yang begitu singkat ya Rasulullah?” Rasulullah s.a.w menjawab: “Ukur sajalah jaraknya dan bandingkan dengan waktu yang panjang sekarang ini.”
Rasulullah s.a.w berkata: “Isa bin Maryam akan memimpin umatku dengan bijaksana dan adil. Beliau akan menghancurkan salib-salib yang ada di dunia ini dan akan membunuh semua babi. Beliau juga akan menghapuskan cukai. Manusia pada waktu itu tidak perlu membayar cukai, bahkan zakat pun tidak dibayar lagi kerana tidak ada orang yang berhak menerimanya.
“Pada hari itu semua makhluk dalam keadaan aman dan tenteram. Tidak ada saling cemburu, dengki, saling memarahi dan mengganggu antara sesama makhluk Allah. Sehingga ada anak perempuan yang bermain-main dengan harimau dan harimau itu tidak menerkamnya, begitu juga kambing berkawan dengan serigala. Seluruh dunia ketika itu nanti diliputi oleh kedamaian, keamanan dan ketenteraman. Bahkan ketika itu nanti tidak ada pertelingkahan keyakinan dan pendapat. Tidak ada yang disembah selain Allah.
“Orang Arab ketika itu nanti akan merampas kembali semua miliknya. Bumi mengeluarkan cahayanya, menumbuhkan tanam-tanamannya seperti zaman Nabi Adam. Sehingga manusia akan memetik buah anggur dan delima sehingga mereka kenyang memakannya.”
Ibnu Katsir berkata: “Abdul Rahman Al-Muharibiy berkata: “Sebaiknya hadis ini dijadikan untuk mendidik saja. Hadis ini tidak sahih tetapi banyak hadis lain yang hampir sama maksudnya dengannya. Di antaranya ada diriwayatkan oleh Muslim dari Abdullah bin Umar, bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: “Kamu akan memerangi orang-orang Yahudi. Kamu akan memerangi mereka habis-habisan sehingga batu tempat mereka bersembunyi pun akan berkata: “Wahai orang muslim, di sini ada orang Yahudi, bunuhlah dia.”
Menurut riwayat, bumi nanti akan mengeluarkan segala khazanah kekayaannya, iaitu pada zaman Nabi Isa. Pada waktu itu dunia dalam keadaan makmur dan harta melimpah ruah, sehingga tidak ada lagi orang yang berhak menerima zakat.
Dari Abu Hurairah, katanya Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: “Sudah hampir masanya turun kepada kamu Ibnu Maryam menjadi hakim yang adil, yang akan membunuh Dajal, membunuh babi, menghancurkan salib dan menghapuskan cukai kerana harta ketika itu melimpah ruah. Ketika itu nanti manusia hanya sujud kepada Allah Tuhan sekalian alam.”
Diriwayatkan oleh Ahmad, dari Ibnu Mas’ud, dari Rasulullah s.a.w: “Pada malam aku diisrak mikrajkan, aku telah berjumpa dengan Ibrahim, Musa dan Isa a.s. Mereka membincangkan hari kiamat dengan menanyakan permasalahannya kepada Ibrahim. Tetapi beliau hanya menjawab: “Tidak ada pengetahuanku tentang hari kiamat. Cuba kalian tanya kepada Musa.” Mereka tanya Nabi Musa tetapi beliau juga hanya menjawab: “Aku tidak tahu tentang kiamat. Cuba kalian tanyakan kepada Isa.”
“Mereka tanyakan kepada Isa kemudian beliau berkata: “Sebenarnya tidak ada yang mengetahui masalah ini kecuali Allah. Menurut yang dijanjikan Allah kepadaku, Dajal nanti muncul sedangkan di tanganku ada dua sabit (alat pemotong). Sebaik saja Dajal itu melihat aku, dia pun hancur seperti hancurnya timah yang terkena panas. Allah akan membinasakannya, begitu juga orang-orang kafir lainnya. Sehingga batu dan pokok kayu nanti akan ikut berkata: “Wahai orang muslim, di bawahku ada orang kafir bersembunyi, marilah dan bunuhlah dia.”
Kata Nabi Isa lagi: “Setelah Allah SWT membinasakan mereka, orang-orang muslim pulang ke rumah mereka masing-masing. Dalam keadaan demikian keluar pula Yakjuj dan Makjuj, yakni bertebaran dari segenap penjuru.
Kerana banyaknya Yakjuj dan Makjuj itu, maka semua kampung dan tempat tidak ada yang tidak dipijak oleh mereka. Mereka memakan semua makanan yang ada dan meminum semua air. Setelah habis makanan dan buah-buahan, daun-daunan pun habis mereka makan. Air sungai dan tasik semua habis mereka minum.”
Tambah beliau lagi: “Orang-orang mukmin ketika itu tidak tahan melihat ulah Yakjuj dan Makjuj itu sehingga mereka memohon kepada Allah supaya dibinasakan binatang itu. Berkat doa mereka itu, Yakjuj dan Makjuj itu mati semua. Sekarang timbul masalah yang cukup besar lagi, yakni bangkai Yakjuj dan Makjuj yang bergelimpangan di mana-mana. Di mana-mana seluruh dunia terasa bau bangkai. Akhirnya Allah SWT menurunkan hujan lebat sehingga bangkai-bangkai itu hanyut ke sungai dan kemudian hanyut ke laut.”
Diriwayatkan oleh Ismail bin Ishak, Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: “Belum terjadi kiamat sebelum Isa bin Maryam berjalan di udara untuk mengerjakan haji dan umrah, atau sehinga Allah SWT menghimpunkan haji dan umrah dan menjadikan Ashabul Kahfi sahabatnya. Nabi Isa dan kelompok Ashabul Kahfi akan berjalan untuk mengerjakan haji kerana mereka selama ini belum mati dan belum pernah mengerjakan haji.”
Sebelum ini sudah diterangkan riwayat dari Abu Hurairah yang mengatakan bahawa Nabi Isa a.s akan memimpin dunia nanti selama 40 tahun. Namun demikian disebutkan dalam sahih Muslim, dari Abdullah bin Amr bahawa Nabi Isa akan berada di dunia selama 7 tahun. Pendapat yang lebih kuat ialah yang mengatakan 40 tahun. Menurut Ibnu Katsir kedua-dua pendapat itu sama-sama benar. Maksudnya kata beliau Nabi Isa diangkat ke langit pada usia 33 tahun, kemudian turun nanti ke dunia selamaa 7 tahun lagi, yakni sebelum beliau diwafatkan Allah SWT. Setelah tujuh tahun memimpin dunia, Nabi Isa wafat. Maka umur Nabi Isa secara keseluruhannya 40 tahun. Wallahu A'lam.
Menurut Ibnu Katsir, sesuai dengan yang termaktub dalam hadis sahih, Yakjuj dan Makjuj akan keluar pada zaman Nabi Isa. Kemudian Allah SWT memusnahkannya berkat doa Nabi Isa pada satu malam. Ada juga disebutkan dalam hadis bahawa Nabi Isa akan mengerjakan haji setelah turun nanti. Muhammad bin Ka’ab Al-Quraiziy berkata, Ashabul Kahfi akan menjadi sahabat Nabi Isa nanti dan mereka akan sama-sama mengerjakan haji. Katanya Nabi Isa akan wafat di Madinah. Beliau akan disembahyangkan oleh kaum muslimin dan dimakamkan berdekatan dengan makam Rasulullah s.a.w.
Menurut riwayat, Isa bin Maryam akan dimakamkan bersebelahan dengan kuburan Nabi Muhammad s.a.w, kuburan Abu Bakar dan Umar. Bererti kuburan Nabi Isa merupakan kuburan yang keempat.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Dajjal - The Dark Messiah
‘…But I will tell you something which no Prophet has told his people.Verily he (Dajjal) is one-eyed and Allah is not one-eyed.’
The change in the weather had been sudden and dramatic, tossing the small fishing vessel around like a piece of flotsam; until it was no more than that. Its crew, a group of Sahaabah radiyallahu anhum (the companions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad , peace & blessings be upon him), were washed up onto the shore of a foreign beach.
When they regained consciousness, they found that they all had survived the wreck. They decided to explore the island to see whether they could find someone to help them, maybe supply them with a boat.
It wasn’t long before they met a woman washing her hair in a rock pool. She directed them to a cave, managing to convey to them that there was someone there who wanted to speak with them. Intrigued, they entered the cave.
Within, they found a short man with only one eye, chained to the cavern wall. Right away, he began to ask them questions, whether certain events had taken place or not. They answered truthfully because of their nature. They could feel the evil of this man like a physical presence. When they had confirmed all that he had asked, the man said, ‘Alas, my time is near.’
The companions managed to get off the island and returned home safely. Upon arriving, they told their story to the Prophet (peace & blessings be upon him). It was then that they first heard of Dajjal, the Dark Messiah.
There are three aspects of Dajjal:
1. The individual
2. A world wide social and cultural phenomenon
3. An unseen force.
The latter two aspects of Dajjal have been explained and outlined brilliantly by Ahmed Thomas in his book ‘Dajjal - The King Without Clothes.’ Through intense research, he has managed to write a brilliant account of scary facts that bring home the full weight of reality. He explains the social and cultural phenomenon as a system that is being prepared by the minions and followers of Dajjal, through which he will operate and spread his evil. The Unseen Force is defined as the supernatural beings, such as Djinns and UFO’s, who abduct and posses humans to further his cause. Contemporary books such as ‘Omen’ and ‘Body Snatchers’, paint a frightening image of possibilities.
In this article, I intend to unveil the first aspect; the individual. The Book of Revelations by John (New Testament) contains prophecies regarding the Anti-Christ. However, over the times, many alterations have occurred in the original text and the commentaries have deviated from the actual meanings. That and the lack of consistency have left it in doubt of reliability and accuracy. Hence, there only remains the Hadith of the Noble Prophet Mohammed (peace & blessings be upon him) as the only accurate source of information.
In a Hadith narrated by Imran ibn Hussain radiyallahu anhum, the Prophet (peace & blessings be upon him) said, ‘Since the birth of Adam till the advent of Qiyaamah (Judgement Day) there is no fitnah (tribulation) much greater than that of Dajjal.’
In anyone’s book, Dajjal is the embodiment of evil. A wise man once said, ‘Know your enemies and keep them close to you. By knowing them, you know your weakness, thus neutralising their potency.’ There are many Hadith which describe Dajjal’s appearance, his height and his powers.
Ubadah ibn Saamit radiyallahu anhu narrates that the Last Prophet (peace & blessings be upon him) said, ‘I have explained Dajjal to you, but I fear that you might not have understood. Maseeh-ud-Dajjal will be short and his legs will be crooked. The hair on his head will be extremely twisted. He will have one eye, while his other eye will be flat. It will be neither deep, nor protruding.’
Ibn Umar radiyallahu anhuma narrates from the Last Prophet (peace & blessings be upon him) regarding Dajjal, ‘…red complexioned, fat, curly haired man, blind in the right eye which looks like a bulging grape.’
According to the many Ahaadith describing Dajjal, the most distinguishing feature of his face besides the bulging eye will be the Arabic letters Kaaf (k), Faa (f), Raa (r), on his forehead. These letters spell Kufr (disbelief). All believers, regardless of their literacy will decipher these letters.
It has also been ascertained from the Hadith that he will emerge from between Syria and Iraq, and his emergence will become known when he is in Isfahaan, at a place called Judea. He will be of Jewish origin and the Jews of Isfahaan will be his main followers and they will refer to him as the Messiah. As he goes on through the world, Jews and a great number of non-Jewish women will flock to him upon witnessing his false miracles.
Imran ibn Hussain radiyallahu anhu narrated from the Prophet Mohammed (peace & blessings be upon him), ‘Those who hear about Dajjal should stay away from him. By Allah! A person will approach him thinking himself to be a believer. But on seeing his amazing feat he will become his follower.’
(Abu Dawood)
‘The Beast was taken and with him the false prophet who wrought miracles before him with which he deceived them.’
The miracles and feats spoken of by the Prophet (peace & blessings be upon him) and John, the writer of the Book of Revelations, are further clarified by the Hadith narrated by Hadhrat Huzaifah radiyallahu anhu:
‘Dajjal will be blind in the right eye. He will have thick hair on his body and he will also have Paradise and Hell with him. Though his Paradise will appear as Jannah, in reality it will be Hell, and likewise, though his Hell will appear like Jahannnam, in reality it will be Paradise.’
Those who obey the Dark Messiah will enter his Paradise (and thus enter Hell), and those who denounce him will enter his Hell (and so shall in reality be entering Paradise). He will travel by means of a gigantic mule, at impossible speeds. He will cause droughts and famine upon those who reject him. But the remembrance of the true Lord will satiate them.
Ubadah ibn Saamit radiyallahu anhu narrates from the Noble Prophet (peace & blessings be upon him), ‘If you still have any doubts regarding him (Dajjal), then remember, your Sustainer is not one-eyed.’
Ibn Umar radiyallahu anhuma narrates from the Noble Prophet (peace & blessings be upon him), ‘Allah is not one-eyed, while Maseeh-ud-Dajjal is blind in the right eye.’
He will remain on the Earth for a period of forty days, of which the first day will be as long as a year, the second day as long as a month, the third as a week and the rest will be normal in length. He will try to gain entry to the two holy cities Makkah and Madinah, but the angels who guard them will bar him from them. From there, he will flee to Syria, where he will meet resistance from the forces of Imam Mahdi, the leader of the Muslims. Then shall the battle between Good and Evil begin in earnest.
Imran ibn Hussain radiyallahu anhu narrates from the Noble Prophet Mohammed (peace & blessings be upon him), ‘There will always be a group of people upon the path of Allah, overpowering their enemies until the Order Of Allah comes and Isa alaihis salaam (Jesus - peace be upon him) descends.’
Finally, when the spirit of the Muslims begins to ebb, Isa (Jesus - peace be upon him) will be commanded by Allah to descend from the heavens. He will not descend as a prophet, but as a follower of the Prophet Muhammad (peace & blessings be upon him) and Islam.
‘Anti Christ in Christian Theology, the opponent of Christ. The appearance of the Anti Christ is believed to signal the Second Coming, at which Christ would conquer his opponent. The concept may stem from the idea of conflict between light and darkness, which is present in Persian, Babylon and Jewish literature and which influences early Christian Theology.’
(Hutchinsons Encyclopaedia)
As before, through the medium of the Hadith, the event of Isa (Jesus - peace be upon him)’s return and all that follows has been accurately recorded. He will descend on Mount Afeeq, on the white Eastern Minaret of Damascus. He will descend from the heavens with his hands resting on the shoulders of two angels. His cheeks will be flat and his hair straight. When he lowers his head it will seem as if water is flowing from his hair, when he raises his head, it will appear as though his hair is beaded with silvery pearls.
He will descend during the time of Fajr and the leader of the Muslims will address him thus, ‘O`Roohullah, lead the salat.’
Isa (Jesus - peeace be upon him) will decline with the words, ‘The virtue of this Ummah is that they lead each other.’
After the prayer, Isa (Jesus - peeace be upon him) will prepare himself to do battle and shall take up a spear. An army shall return from a campaign launched before the arrival of Isa (Jesus - peeace be upon him). They shall bring glad tidings of victory over India, granted to them by the Lord Almighty. Isa (Jesus - peeace be upon him) shall set out in pursuit of Dajjal. All those who embraced the evil of Dajjal shall perish even as the breath of Isa (Jesus - peeace be upon him) touches them. The breath of Isa (Jesus - peeace be upon him) shall proceed him as far as the eye can see. Dajjal will be captured at Lydda. The Dark Messiah shall begin to melt, as lead melts in fire. The spear of Isa (Jesus - peace be upon him) shall plunge into Dajjal’s chest, ending his dreaded reign. The followers of Dajjal will be rooted out, for even the trees and rocks will speak out against them. Then all battles shall cease and the world will know an age of peace. Then truly the sheep will lie in the shadow of the wolf without fear. The rule of Jesus will be just and all shall flock to him to enter the folds of the one true religion, Islam.
The change in the weather had been sudden and dramatic, tossing the small fishing vessel around like a piece of flotsam; until it was no more than that. Its crew, a group of Sahaabah radiyallahu anhum (the companions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad , peace & blessings be upon him), were washed up onto the shore of a foreign beach.
When they regained consciousness, they found that they all had survived the wreck. They decided to explore the island to see whether they could find someone to help them, maybe supply them with a boat.
It wasn’t long before they met a woman washing her hair in a rock pool. She directed them to a cave, managing to convey to them that there was someone there who wanted to speak with them. Intrigued, they entered the cave.
Within, they found a short man with only one eye, chained to the cavern wall. Right away, he began to ask them questions, whether certain events had taken place or not. They answered truthfully because of their nature. They could feel the evil of this man like a physical presence. When they had confirmed all that he had asked, the man said, ‘Alas, my time is near.’
The companions managed to get off the island and returned home safely. Upon arriving, they told their story to the Prophet (peace & blessings be upon him). It was then that they first heard of Dajjal, the Dark Messiah.
There are three aspects of Dajjal:
1. The individual
2. A world wide social and cultural phenomenon
3. An unseen force.
The latter two aspects of Dajjal have been explained and outlined brilliantly by Ahmed Thomas in his book ‘Dajjal - The King Without Clothes.’ Through intense research, he has managed to write a brilliant account of scary facts that bring home the full weight of reality. He explains the social and cultural phenomenon as a system that is being prepared by the minions and followers of Dajjal, through which he will operate and spread his evil. The Unseen Force is defined as the supernatural beings, such as Djinns and UFO’s, who abduct and posses humans to further his cause. Contemporary books such as ‘Omen’ and ‘Body Snatchers’, paint a frightening image of possibilities.
In this article, I intend to unveil the first aspect; the individual. The Book of Revelations by John (New Testament) contains prophecies regarding the Anti-Christ. However, over the times, many alterations have occurred in the original text and the commentaries have deviated from the actual meanings. That and the lack of consistency have left it in doubt of reliability and accuracy. Hence, there only remains the Hadith of the Noble Prophet Mohammed (peace & blessings be upon him) as the only accurate source of information.
In a Hadith narrated by Imran ibn Hussain radiyallahu anhum, the Prophet (peace & blessings be upon him) said, ‘Since the birth of Adam till the advent of Qiyaamah (Judgement Day) there is no fitnah (tribulation) much greater than that of Dajjal.’
In anyone’s book, Dajjal is the embodiment of evil. A wise man once said, ‘Know your enemies and keep them close to you. By knowing them, you know your weakness, thus neutralising their potency.’ There are many Hadith which describe Dajjal’s appearance, his height and his powers.
Ubadah ibn Saamit radiyallahu anhu narrates that the Last Prophet (peace & blessings be upon him) said, ‘I have explained Dajjal to you, but I fear that you might not have understood. Maseeh-ud-Dajjal will be short and his legs will be crooked. The hair on his head will be extremely twisted. He will have one eye, while his other eye will be flat. It will be neither deep, nor protruding.’
Ibn Umar radiyallahu anhuma narrates from the Last Prophet (peace & blessings be upon him) regarding Dajjal, ‘…red complexioned, fat, curly haired man, blind in the right eye which looks like a bulging grape.’
According to the many Ahaadith describing Dajjal, the most distinguishing feature of his face besides the bulging eye will be the Arabic letters Kaaf (k), Faa (f), Raa (r), on his forehead. These letters spell Kufr (disbelief). All believers, regardless of their literacy will decipher these letters.
It has also been ascertained from the Hadith that he will emerge from between Syria and Iraq, and his emergence will become known when he is in Isfahaan, at a place called Judea. He will be of Jewish origin and the Jews of Isfahaan will be his main followers and they will refer to him as the Messiah. As he goes on through the world, Jews and a great number of non-Jewish women will flock to him upon witnessing his false miracles.
Imran ibn Hussain radiyallahu anhu narrated from the Prophet Mohammed (peace & blessings be upon him), ‘Those who hear about Dajjal should stay away from him. By Allah! A person will approach him thinking himself to be a believer. But on seeing his amazing feat he will become his follower.’
(Abu Dawood)
‘The Beast was taken and with him the false prophet who wrought miracles before him with which he deceived them.’
The miracles and feats spoken of by the Prophet (peace & blessings be upon him) and John, the writer of the Book of Revelations, are further clarified by the Hadith narrated by Hadhrat Huzaifah radiyallahu anhu:
‘Dajjal will be blind in the right eye. He will have thick hair on his body and he will also have Paradise and Hell with him. Though his Paradise will appear as Jannah, in reality it will be Hell, and likewise, though his Hell will appear like Jahannnam, in reality it will be Paradise.’
Those who obey the Dark Messiah will enter his Paradise (and thus enter Hell), and those who denounce him will enter his Hell (and so shall in reality be entering Paradise). He will travel by means of a gigantic mule, at impossible speeds. He will cause droughts and famine upon those who reject him. But the remembrance of the true Lord will satiate them.
Ubadah ibn Saamit radiyallahu anhu narrates from the Noble Prophet (peace & blessings be upon him), ‘If you still have any doubts regarding him (Dajjal), then remember, your Sustainer is not one-eyed.’
Ibn Umar radiyallahu anhuma narrates from the Noble Prophet (peace & blessings be upon him), ‘Allah is not one-eyed, while Maseeh-ud-Dajjal is blind in the right eye.’
He will remain on the Earth for a period of forty days, of which the first day will be as long as a year, the second day as long as a month, the third as a week and the rest will be normal in length. He will try to gain entry to the two holy cities Makkah and Madinah, but the angels who guard them will bar him from them. From there, he will flee to Syria, where he will meet resistance from the forces of Imam Mahdi, the leader of the Muslims. Then shall the battle between Good and Evil begin in earnest.
Imran ibn Hussain radiyallahu anhu narrates from the Noble Prophet Mohammed (peace & blessings be upon him), ‘There will always be a group of people upon the path of Allah, overpowering their enemies until the Order Of Allah comes and Isa alaihis salaam (Jesus - peace be upon him) descends.’
Finally, when the spirit of the Muslims begins to ebb, Isa (Jesus - peace be upon him) will be commanded by Allah to descend from the heavens. He will not descend as a prophet, but as a follower of the Prophet Muhammad (peace & blessings be upon him) and Islam.
‘Anti Christ in Christian Theology, the opponent of Christ. The appearance of the Anti Christ is believed to signal the Second Coming, at which Christ would conquer his opponent. The concept may stem from the idea of conflict between light and darkness, which is present in Persian, Babylon and Jewish literature and which influences early Christian Theology.’
(Hutchinsons Encyclopaedia)
As before, through the medium of the Hadith, the event of Isa (Jesus - peace be upon him)’s return and all that follows has been accurately recorded. He will descend on Mount Afeeq, on the white Eastern Minaret of Damascus. He will descend from the heavens with his hands resting on the shoulders of two angels. His cheeks will be flat and his hair straight. When he lowers his head it will seem as if water is flowing from his hair, when he raises his head, it will appear as though his hair is beaded with silvery pearls.
He will descend during the time of Fajr and the leader of the Muslims will address him thus, ‘O`Roohullah, lead the salat.’
Isa (Jesus - peeace be upon him) will decline with the words, ‘The virtue of this Ummah is that they lead each other.’
After the prayer, Isa (Jesus - peeace be upon him) will prepare himself to do battle and shall take up a spear. An army shall return from a campaign launched before the arrival of Isa (Jesus - peeace be upon him). They shall bring glad tidings of victory over India, granted to them by the Lord Almighty. Isa (Jesus - peeace be upon him) shall set out in pursuit of Dajjal. All those who embraced the evil of Dajjal shall perish even as the breath of Isa (Jesus - peeace be upon him) touches them. The breath of Isa (Jesus - peeace be upon him) shall proceed him as far as the eye can see. Dajjal will be captured at Lydda. The Dark Messiah shall begin to melt, as lead melts in fire. The spear of Isa (Jesus - peace be upon him) shall plunge into Dajjal’s chest, ending his dreaded reign. The followers of Dajjal will be rooted out, for even the trees and rocks will speak out against them. Then all battles shall cease and the world will know an age of peace. Then truly the sheep will lie in the shadow of the wolf without fear. The rule of Jesus will be just and all shall flock to him to enter the folds of the one true religion, Islam.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Secret Masonic Handshakes, Words, And Signs Of Craft Masonry
The freemasons handshake identifies a man as a member of the freemasons. Masonic handshakes exist for each of the three degrees, however it is the "entered apprentice grip" also known as the "entered apprentice handshake" which is most often considered to be one of the freemasons secrets. Along with masonic handshakes other freemasonry secrets include the masonic passwords. The masonic initiation is another of the secrets of the masons.
Entered Apprentice Degree
Due Guard of an Entered Apprentice
The Due Guard of an Entered Apprentice represents the position of the hand when taking the oath of an Entered Apprentice, "my left hand supporting the Bible and my right hand resting thereon."
Sign of an Entered Apprentice
The sign of the Entered Apprentice alludes to the penalty of the Entered Apprentice's obligation. The sign is made by drawing the right hand rapidly across the neck as shown on the left. The penalty that the sign alludes to is, "having my throat cut across, my tongue torn out by its roots, and my body buried in the rough sands of the sea at low water mark, where the tide ebbs and flows twice in twenty-four hours, should I ever knowingly violate this my Entered Apprentice obligation."
Explanation of the Entered Apprentice sign. Draw the right hand rapidly across the neck as represented and drop the arm to the side. This action shows the penalty of having the throat cut and the tongue ripped out.
Grip (Handshake) of an Entered Apprentice
The Grip of the Entered Apprentice is made by pressing the thumb against the top of the first knuckle-joint of the fellow Mason, the fellow Mason also presses his thumb against the first Mason's knuckle.
The name of this grip is "Boaz". When a candidate is imparted with this grip and its usage it is done in this manner.
First the Worshipful Master says to the candidate:
"I now present my right hand in token of friendship and brotherly love, and will invest you with the grip and word. As you are instructed, he who has hitherto answered for you, will do so at this time."
The Worshipful Master of the lodge then has this exchange with the Senior Deacon, who is standing next to the candidate, who is still kneeling at the altar, after have assumed the obligation of this degree:
Note: In the following discourse WM stands for Worshipful Master, and SD stands for Senior Deacon.
WM: Brother Senior Deacon.
SD: Worshipful Master.
WM: I hele.
SD: I conceal.
WM: What do you conceal?
SD: All the secrets of a Mason in Masonry, to which the token alludes.
(At this time, the candidate is shown the grip of an Entered Apprentice)
WM: What is that?
SD: A grip
WM. Of what?
SD: Of an Entered Apprentice.
WM. Has it a name?
SD: It has.
WM: Will you give it to me?
SD: I did not so receive it, neither will I so impart it.
WM: How will you dispose of it?
SD: Letter it or halve it.
WM: Letter it and begin.
SD: You begin.
WM: Begin you.
WM: (Directing his words to the candidate): Boaz, my Brother, is the name of this grip, and should always be given in the customary manner, by lettering or halving. When lettering, always commence with the letter, "A".
Fellow Craft Degree
Due Guard of a Fellow Craft
The Due Guard of the Fellow Craft represents the positions of the hands when taking the oath of the Fellow Craft degree, "my right hand on the Holy Bible, square, and compasses, my left arm forming an angle, supported by the square and my hand in a vertical position."
Sign of a Fellow Craft
The sign of the Fellow Craft alludes to the penalty of the Fellow Craft obligation. The sign is made by cupping the right hand over the left breast, drawing it quickly across the body, then dropping the hand to the side. The penalty that the sign alludes to is "having my left breast torn open, my heart plucked out, and given to the wild beasts of the field and the fowls of the air."
Explanation of the Fellow Craft sign. The action of cupping one hand over the left breast and drawing it quickly across the body signifies the heart being ripped out if the candidate should violate his Fellow Craft obligation.
Pass Grip (Handshake) of a Fellow Craft
The hand is taken as in an ordinary hand shake, and the Mason presses the top of his thumb against the space between the first and second knuckle joints of the first two fingers of his fellow Mason; the fellow Mason also presses his thumb on the corresponding part of the first Mason's hand.
The name of this grip is "Shibboleth". When a candidate is imparted with this grip and its usage it is done in this manner:
First, the Worshipful Master says to the candidate:
"I now present my right hand in token of the continuance of friendship and brotherly love, and will invest you with the pass-grip, pass-word, real grip and word of a Fellow Craft. As you are uninstructed, he who has hitherto answered for you, will do so at this time. Give me the grip of an Entered Apprentice."
As previously explained from the Entered Apprentice degree, he then has this exchange with the Senior Deacon, who is standing next to the candidate, who is still kneeling at the altar, after having assume the obligation of this degree):
WM: Brother Senior Deacon.
SD: Worshipful Master.
WM: Will you be off or from?
SD: From.
WM: From what and to what?
SD: From the grip of an Entered Apprentice to the pass-grip of a Fellow Craft.
(At this time, the candidate is shown the Pass Grip)
WM: Pass. What is that?
SD: The pass-grip of a Fellow Craft.
WM: Has it a name?
SD: It has.
WM: Will you give it to me?
SD: I did not so receive it; neither will I so impart it.
WM: How will you dispose of it?
SD: Letter or syllable it.
WM: Syllable it and begin.
SD: You begin.
WM: Begin you.
SD: Shib
WM: bo
SD: leth
WM: Shibboleth, my Brother, is the name of this grip. You should always remember it, for should you be present at the opening or a Fellow Crafts Lodge, this pass-word will be demanded of you by one of the Deacons, and should you be unable to give it, it would cause confusion in the Craft.
Real Grip (Handshake) of a Fellow Craft
The Mason takes the fellow Mason by the right hand as in an ordinary hand shake, and presses the top of his thumb hard on the second knuckle, the fellow Mason presses his thumb against the same knuckle of the first Mason's hand.
At this point in the ritual, the instruction goes directly from the pass grip to the real grip.
WM: Will you be off or from?
SD: From.
WM: From what and to what?
SD: From the pass-grip of a Fellow Craft, to the real grip of the same.
WM: Pass. What is that?
SD: The real grip of a Fellow Craft.
WM: Has it a name?
SD: It has.
WM: Will you give it to me?
SD: I did not so receive it; neither will I so impart it.
WM: How will you dispose of it?
SD: Letter or halve it.
WM: Letter it and begin.
SD: You begin.
WM: Begin you.
WM: Jachin, my Brother, is the name of this grip, and should always be given in this manner, by lettering or halving it. When lettering, always commence with the letter "A".
Master Mason Degree
Due Guard of a Master Mason
The Due Guard of the Master Mason alludes to the position of the hands when taking the oath of the Master Mason, "both hands resting on the Holy Bible, square, and compasses."
Sign of a Master Mason
The sign of the Master Mason alludes to the penalty of the Master Mason's obligation, "to have my body cut in two, my bowels removed and burned to ashes which are then to be scattered to the four winds of heaven."
Explanation of the Master Mason sign. The sign is made by drawing the thumb quickly across the waist to the right hip, then dropping the hand to the side. This action shows the stomach being ripped open.
Pass Grip (Handshake) of a Master Mason
The Mason places his thumb on the space between the second and third knuckles of the fellow Mason's right hand, while the fellow Mason moves his thumb to the corresponding space on the first Masons hand. The thumb is pressed hard between the second and third knuckles of the hands.
The name of this grip is "Tubalcain". When a candidate is imparted with this grip and its usage it is done in this manner:
First, the Worshipful Master says to the candidate:
"I now present my right hand in token of the continuance of friendship and brotherly love, and will invest you with the pass-grip and pass-word of a Master Mason. As you are uninstructed, he who has hitherto answered for you, will do so at this time. Give me the real grip of a Fellow Craft."
(As explained from the preceding degrees, he then has this exchange with the Senior Deacon, who is standing next to the candidate, who is still kneeling at the altar, after having assume the obligation of this degree):
WM: Brother Senior Deacon.
SD: Worshipful Master.
WM: Will you be off or from?
SD: From.
WM: From what and to what?
SD: From the real grip of a Fellow Craft to the pass-grip of a Master Mason.
WM: Pass. What is that?
SD: The pass-grip of a Master Mason.
WM: Has it a name?
SD: It has.
WM: Will you give it to me?
SD: I did not so receive it; neither will I so impart it.
WM: How will you dispose of it?
SD: Letter or syllable it.
WM: Syllable it and begin.
SD: You begin.
WM: Begin you.
SD: Tu
WM: bal
SD: cain
WM: Tubalcain, my Brother, is the name of this grip.
Real Grip (Handshake) of a Master Mason
The Mason firmly grasps the right hand of a fellow Mason. The thumbs of both hands are interlaced. The first Mason presses the tops of his fingers against the wrist of the fellow Mason where it unites with the hand. The fellow Mason at the same time presses his fingers against the corresponding part of the the first Mason's hand and the fingers of each are somewhat apart. This grip is also called the Strong Grip of the Master Mason or the Lion's Paw.
Instruction for this grip is given at the "graveside", after the candidate has been "raised".
Speaking to the candidate, the Worshipful Master says, "My Brother, I will now instruct you as to the manner of arriving at the real grip and word of a Master Mason. As you are uninstructed, he who has hitherto answered for you will do so at this time. Give me the pass-grip of a Master Mason."
WM: Brother Senior Deacon.
SD: Worshipful Master.
WM: Will be you be off or from?
SD: From.
WM: From what and to what?
SD: From the pass-grip of a Master Mason to the real grip of the same.
WM: Pass. What is that?
SD: The real grip of a Master Mason, or lion's paw.
WM: Has it a name?
SD: It has.
WM: Will you give it to me?
SD: Place yourself in the proper position to receive it and I will.
WM: Mark the difference, my Brother, Heretofore your answer has been; I did not so receive it, neither will I so impart it. Now it is: Place yourself in the proper position to receive it and I will.
WM: What is the proper position to receive it?
SD: On the Five Points of Fellowship.
WM: What are the Five Points of Fellowship?
SD: Foot to foot, knee to knee, breast to breast, hand to back, and cheek to cheek or mouth to ear. (Candidate and WM are placing themselves on the Five Points of Fellowship as the SD names them.)
WM: Ma
Candidate: Ha
WM: Bone.
(WM may have the candidate begin, while still in position, i.e., Candidate: Ma. WM: Ha. Candidate: Bone, being sure the candidate fully understands the word.)
The Five Points of Fellowship
During initiation into the Master Mason Degree, the candidate first receives the Real Grip of a Master Mason, along with instructions in how it is properly communicated, as he is "raised", or resurrected, at the conclusion of the Hiramic Legend. The Worshipful Master, or a lawful designee, reaches down and grasps the hand of the candidate by this grip and "raises" him from the dead to the position known as the Five Points of Fellowship.
The Five Points of Fellowship is demonstrated as the Worshipful Master and candidate embrace one another thusly: foot to foot; knee to knee; breast to breast; hand to back; and cheek to cheek, or mouth to ear. While in this position, and at low breath, the Worshipful Master then whispers "Mah-Ha-Bone" into the ear of the candidate. "Mah-Ha-Bone" is the substitute for the Master's Word. It means, "What, the Builder!". This proper means for an exchange of the substitute for the Master's Word is alluded to in the Obligation of a Master Mason: "Furthermore, I do promise and swear that I will not give the substitute for the Master's Word in any other way or manner than that in which I receive it, which will be on the Five Points of Fellowship, and at low breath."
Grand Hailing Sign of Distress
After receiving instruction in the proper communication of the substitute for the Master's Word, the candidate is then instructed in regards to the Grand Hailing Sign of Distress. It is given by raising both hands toward heaven, with each arm forming the angle of a square, or a 90 degree angle. The arms are then lowered in three distinct motions to the sides. In other words, ending with both arms in the natural downward position, such as when one is standing at attention. This is alluded to in the Obligation of a Master Mason: "Furthermore, I do promise and swear that I will not give the Grand Hailing Sign of Distress of a Master Mason, except for the benefit of the Craft while at work or for the instruction of a Brother, unless I am in real distress; and should I see the sign given, or hear the word spoken, I will hasten to the relief of the person so giving it."
The candidate is additionally instructed, however, that if he is in a place where the sign could not be seen, he is to utter a substitute for the sign: "O Lord, my God, is there no help for the Widow's Son?" He is additionally advised that the sign and these words are never to be given together.
Masonic Bibliography
•Duncan's Masonic Ritual and Monitor: Guide to the Three Symbolic Degrees of the Ancient York Rite and to the Degrees of Mark Master, Past Master, Most Excellent Master, and the Royal Arch
•Masonic Secrets Revealed - The Secret Ceremonies And Oaths Of The Masons Exposed!
Further Reading
•Secret Masonic Initiation Video - Secret video footage from Turkey.
•Bristol Masonic Ritual - The Oldest and Most Unusual Craft Working in England.
•Freemasonry and the Druids by W. Winwood Reade. Published 1861.
Entered Apprentice Degree
Due Guard of an Entered Apprentice
The Due Guard of an Entered Apprentice represents the position of the hand when taking the oath of an Entered Apprentice, "my left hand supporting the Bible and my right hand resting thereon."
Sign of an Entered Apprentice
The sign of the Entered Apprentice alludes to the penalty of the Entered Apprentice's obligation. The sign is made by drawing the right hand rapidly across the neck as shown on the left. The penalty that the sign alludes to is, "having my throat cut across, my tongue torn out by its roots, and my body buried in the rough sands of the sea at low water mark, where the tide ebbs and flows twice in twenty-four hours, should I ever knowingly violate this my Entered Apprentice obligation."
Explanation of the Entered Apprentice sign. Draw the right hand rapidly across the neck as represented and drop the arm to the side. This action shows the penalty of having the throat cut and the tongue ripped out.
Grip (Handshake) of an Entered Apprentice
The Grip of the Entered Apprentice is made by pressing the thumb against the top of the first knuckle-joint of the fellow Mason, the fellow Mason also presses his thumb against the first Mason's knuckle.
The name of this grip is "Boaz". When a candidate is imparted with this grip and its usage it is done in this manner.
First the Worshipful Master says to the candidate:
"I now present my right hand in token of friendship and brotherly love, and will invest you with the grip and word. As you are instructed, he who has hitherto answered for you, will do so at this time."
The Worshipful Master of the lodge then has this exchange with the Senior Deacon, who is standing next to the candidate, who is still kneeling at the altar, after have assumed the obligation of this degree:
Note: In the following discourse WM stands for Worshipful Master, and SD stands for Senior Deacon.
WM: Brother Senior Deacon.
SD: Worshipful Master.
WM: I hele.
SD: I conceal.
WM: What do you conceal?
SD: All the secrets of a Mason in Masonry, to which the token alludes.
(At this time, the candidate is shown the grip of an Entered Apprentice)
WM: What is that?
SD: A grip
WM. Of what?
SD: Of an Entered Apprentice.
WM. Has it a name?
SD: It has.
WM: Will you give it to me?
SD: I did not so receive it, neither will I so impart it.
WM: How will you dispose of it?
SD: Letter it or halve it.
WM: Letter it and begin.
SD: You begin.
WM: Begin you.
WM: (Directing his words to the candidate): Boaz, my Brother, is the name of this grip, and should always be given in the customary manner, by lettering or halving. When lettering, always commence with the letter, "A".
Fellow Craft Degree
Due Guard of a Fellow Craft
The Due Guard of the Fellow Craft represents the positions of the hands when taking the oath of the Fellow Craft degree, "my right hand on the Holy Bible, square, and compasses, my left arm forming an angle, supported by the square and my hand in a vertical position."
Sign of a Fellow Craft
The sign of the Fellow Craft alludes to the penalty of the Fellow Craft obligation. The sign is made by cupping the right hand over the left breast, drawing it quickly across the body, then dropping the hand to the side. The penalty that the sign alludes to is "having my left breast torn open, my heart plucked out, and given to the wild beasts of the field and the fowls of the air."
Explanation of the Fellow Craft sign. The action of cupping one hand over the left breast and drawing it quickly across the body signifies the heart being ripped out if the candidate should violate his Fellow Craft obligation.
Pass Grip (Handshake) of a Fellow Craft
The hand is taken as in an ordinary hand shake, and the Mason presses the top of his thumb against the space between the first and second knuckle joints of the first two fingers of his fellow Mason; the fellow Mason also presses his thumb on the corresponding part of the first Mason's hand.
The name of this grip is "Shibboleth". When a candidate is imparted with this grip and its usage it is done in this manner:
First, the Worshipful Master says to the candidate:
"I now present my right hand in token of the continuance of friendship and brotherly love, and will invest you with the pass-grip, pass-word, real grip and word of a Fellow Craft. As you are uninstructed, he who has hitherto answered for you, will do so at this time. Give me the grip of an Entered Apprentice."
As previously explained from the Entered Apprentice degree, he then has this exchange with the Senior Deacon, who is standing next to the candidate, who is still kneeling at the altar, after having assume the obligation of this degree):
WM: Brother Senior Deacon.
SD: Worshipful Master.
WM: Will you be off or from?
SD: From.
WM: From what and to what?
SD: From the grip of an Entered Apprentice to the pass-grip of a Fellow Craft.
(At this time, the candidate is shown the Pass Grip)
WM: Pass. What is that?
SD: The pass-grip of a Fellow Craft.
WM: Has it a name?
SD: It has.
WM: Will you give it to me?
SD: I did not so receive it; neither will I so impart it.
WM: How will you dispose of it?
SD: Letter or syllable it.
WM: Syllable it and begin.
SD: You begin.
WM: Begin you.
SD: Shib
WM: bo
SD: leth
WM: Shibboleth, my Brother, is the name of this grip. You should always remember it, for should you be present at the opening or a Fellow Crafts Lodge, this pass-word will be demanded of you by one of the Deacons, and should you be unable to give it, it would cause confusion in the Craft.
Real Grip (Handshake) of a Fellow Craft
The Mason takes the fellow Mason by the right hand as in an ordinary hand shake, and presses the top of his thumb hard on the second knuckle, the fellow Mason presses his thumb against the same knuckle of the first Mason's hand.
At this point in the ritual, the instruction goes directly from the pass grip to the real grip.
WM: Will you be off or from?
SD: From.
WM: From what and to what?
SD: From the pass-grip of a Fellow Craft, to the real grip of the same.
WM: Pass. What is that?
SD: The real grip of a Fellow Craft.
WM: Has it a name?
SD: It has.
WM: Will you give it to me?
SD: I did not so receive it; neither will I so impart it.
WM: How will you dispose of it?
SD: Letter or halve it.
WM: Letter it and begin.
SD: You begin.
WM: Begin you.
WM: Jachin, my Brother, is the name of this grip, and should always be given in this manner, by lettering or halving it. When lettering, always commence with the letter "A".
Master Mason Degree
Due Guard of a Master Mason
The Due Guard of the Master Mason alludes to the position of the hands when taking the oath of the Master Mason, "both hands resting on the Holy Bible, square, and compasses."
Sign of a Master Mason
The sign of the Master Mason alludes to the penalty of the Master Mason's obligation, "to have my body cut in two, my bowels removed and burned to ashes which are then to be scattered to the four winds of heaven."
Explanation of the Master Mason sign. The sign is made by drawing the thumb quickly across the waist to the right hip, then dropping the hand to the side. This action shows the stomach being ripped open.
Pass Grip (Handshake) of a Master Mason
The Mason places his thumb on the space between the second and third knuckles of the fellow Mason's right hand, while the fellow Mason moves his thumb to the corresponding space on the first Masons hand. The thumb is pressed hard between the second and third knuckles of the hands.
The name of this grip is "Tubalcain". When a candidate is imparted with this grip and its usage it is done in this manner:
First, the Worshipful Master says to the candidate:
"I now present my right hand in token of the continuance of friendship and brotherly love, and will invest you with the pass-grip and pass-word of a Master Mason. As you are uninstructed, he who has hitherto answered for you, will do so at this time. Give me the real grip of a Fellow Craft."
(As explained from the preceding degrees, he then has this exchange with the Senior Deacon, who is standing next to the candidate, who is still kneeling at the altar, after having assume the obligation of this degree):
WM: Brother Senior Deacon.
SD: Worshipful Master.
WM: Will you be off or from?
SD: From.
WM: From what and to what?
SD: From the real grip of a Fellow Craft to the pass-grip of a Master Mason.
WM: Pass. What is that?
SD: The pass-grip of a Master Mason.
WM: Has it a name?
SD: It has.
WM: Will you give it to me?
SD: I did not so receive it; neither will I so impart it.
WM: How will you dispose of it?
SD: Letter or syllable it.
WM: Syllable it and begin.
SD: You begin.
WM: Begin you.
SD: Tu
WM: bal
SD: cain
WM: Tubalcain, my Brother, is the name of this grip.
Real Grip (Handshake) of a Master Mason
The Mason firmly grasps the right hand of a fellow Mason. The thumbs of both hands are interlaced. The first Mason presses the tops of his fingers against the wrist of the fellow Mason where it unites with the hand. The fellow Mason at the same time presses his fingers against the corresponding part of the the first Mason's hand and the fingers of each are somewhat apart. This grip is also called the Strong Grip of the Master Mason or the Lion's Paw.
Instruction for this grip is given at the "graveside", after the candidate has been "raised".
Speaking to the candidate, the Worshipful Master says, "My Brother, I will now instruct you as to the manner of arriving at the real grip and word of a Master Mason. As you are uninstructed, he who has hitherto answered for you will do so at this time. Give me the pass-grip of a Master Mason."
WM: Brother Senior Deacon.
SD: Worshipful Master.
WM: Will be you be off or from?
SD: From.
WM: From what and to what?
SD: From the pass-grip of a Master Mason to the real grip of the same.
WM: Pass. What is that?
SD: The real grip of a Master Mason, or lion's paw.
WM: Has it a name?
SD: It has.
WM: Will you give it to me?
SD: Place yourself in the proper position to receive it and I will.
WM: Mark the difference, my Brother, Heretofore your answer has been; I did not so receive it, neither will I so impart it. Now it is: Place yourself in the proper position to receive it and I will.
WM: What is the proper position to receive it?
SD: On the Five Points of Fellowship.
WM: What are the Five Points of Fellowship?
SD: Foot to foot, knee to knee, breast to breast, hand to back, and cheek to cheek or mouth to ear. (Candidate and WM are placing themselves on the Five Points of Fellowship as the SD names them.)
WM: Ma
Candidate: Ha
WM: Bone.
(WM may have the candidate begin, while still in position, i.e., Candidate: Ma. WM: Ha. Candidate: Bone, being sure the candidate fully understands the word.)
The Five Points of Fellowship
During initiation into the Master Mason Degree, the candidate first receives the Real Grip of a Master Mason, along with instructions in how it is properly communicated, as he is "raised", or resurrected, at the conclusion of the Hiramic Legend. The Worshipful Master, or a lawful designee, reaches down and grasps the hand of the candidate by this grip and "raises" him from the dead to the position known as the Five Points of Fellowship.
The Five Points of Fellowship is demonstrated as the Worshipful Master and candidate embrace one another thusly: foot to foot; knee to knee; breast to breast; hand to back; and cheek to cheek, or mouth to ear. While in this position, and at low breath, the Worshipful Master then whispers "Mah-Ha-Bone" into the ear of the candidate. "Mah-Ha-Bone" is the substitute for the Master's Word. It means, "What, the Builder!". This proper means for an exchange of the substitute for the Master's Word is alluded to in the Obligation of a Master Mason: "Furthermore, I do promise and swear that I will not give the substitute for the Master's Word in any other way or manner than that in which I receive it, which will be on the Five Points of Fellowship, and at low breath."
Grand Hailing Sign of Distress
After receiving instruction in the proper communication of the substitute for the Master's Word, the candidate is then instructed in regards to the Grand Hailing Sign of Distress. It is given by raising both hands toward heaven, with each arm forming the angle of a square, or a 90 degree angle. The arms are then lowered in three distinct motions to the sides. In other words, ending with both arms in the natural downward position, such as when one is standing at attention. This is alluded to in the Obligation of a Master Mason: "Furthermore, I do promise and swear that I will not give the Grand Hailing Sign of Distress of a Master Mason, except for the benefit of the Craft while at work or for the instruction of a Brother, unless I am in real distress; and should I see the sign given, or hear the word spoken, I will hasten to the relief of the person so giving it."
The candidate is additionally instructed, however, that if he is in a place where the sign could not be seen, he is to utter a substitute for the sign: "O Lord, my God, is there no help for the Widow's Son?" He is additionally advised that the sign and these words are never to be given together.
Masonic Bibliography
•Duncan's Masonic Ritual and Monitor: Guide to the Three Symbolic Degrees of the Ancient York Rite and to the Degrees of Mark Master, Past Master, Most Excellent Master, and the Royal Arch
•Masonic Secrets Revealed - The Secret Ceremonies And Oaths Of The Masons Exposed!
Further Reading
•Secret Masonic Initiation Video - Secret video footage from Turkey.
•Bristol Masonic Ritual - The Oldest and Most Unusual Craft Working in England.
•Freemasonry and the Druids by W. Winwood Reade. Published 1861.
Pengurusan Jangkitan Influenza A (H1N1) Memasuki Fasa Mitigasi (Peredaan)
Aktiviti mitigasi adalah tindakan membendung wabak pandemik H1N1 di Malaysia dengan
memperkukuhkan langkah-langkah pencegahan dan kawalan seperti mengamalkan kebersihan
diri, kerap mencuci tangan dan mengamalkan adab batuk yang sesuai.
Strategi utama fasa ini adalah untuk mengurangkan kesengsaraan dan kematian akibat penyakit
ini, melambatkan jangkitan penyakit dan mengurangkan kesan terhadap gangguan
perkhidmatan utama.
Golongan berisiko tinggi akibat jangkitan Influenza A (H1N1):
1. Kanak-kanak berusia kurang 5 tahun
2. Individu berusia 65 tahun dan ke atas
3. Kanak-kanak dan remaja (<18 tahun) yang menggunakan terapi aspirin untuk
jangkamasa yang panjang
4. Wanita mengandung
5. Dewasa dan kanak-kanak dengan asma, penyakit pernafasan kronik obstruktif,
kegagalan organ, penyakit kardiovaskular, hepatik, heamatologikal, neurologik,
neuromuskular atau masalah metabolik seperti Diabetes Mellitus
6. Dewasa dan kanak-kanak yang mengalami daya ketahanan yang rendah
7. Individu yang menginap di rumah kebajikan dan institusi penjagaan lain
Kaedah menangani jangkitan:
1. Tenangkan diri dan jangan panik
2. Jaga kebersihan diri, kurangkan hubungan sosial yang tidak perlu
3. Pergi ke Pusat Kesihatan terdekat jika mempunyai simtom berikut:
i. Gangguan pernafasan: susah bernafas, kelihatan nafas laju @ kebiruan @ ungu di bibir mulut
ii. Batuk berdarah @ kahak bercampur darah
iii. Sakit dada
iv. Cirit-birit dan / @ muntah
v. Demam lebih 3 Hari @ berulang selepas 3 Hari
vi. Berkelakuan ganjil, dalam keadaan keliru, sawan
vii. Pening kepala apabila sedang berdiri dan / @ kurang kencing
4. Sekiranya anda sakit/demam, anda dinasihatkan tidak bergaul dengan orang lain dan
ikut nasihat doktor.
Untuk maklumat lanjut layari Influenza A
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